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Workplace Heat Stress Injuries in Philadelphia

Occupational heat exposure presents a real risk to workers, especially those unaccustomed to working in high temperature environments. Thousands of workers become sick from exposure to high temperatures every year. High temperature workplaces can include both those that are indoor and those that are outdoor. Heat-related illness can be caused by a variety of conditions including high air temperatures; high humidity; radiant heat sources; strenuous physical activity; as well as direct physical contact with hot objects. Workplace heat stress injuries in Philadelphia range from everything from heat cramps to heat stroke which is a true medical emergency that can be fatal.

Workplace Heat Stress Injuries in Philadelphia Video

Workers at Higher Risk of Heat Stress Injuries

  • Brick and ceramic factory workers
  • Electrical utility workers
  • Food industry workers – including those working in bakeries, confectioneries, and commercial kitchens
  • Foundry workers (both iron/steel and non-ferrous)
  • Miners
  • Workers in laundries

Those working outside in Philadelphia may experience high temperatures and high humidity while laboring. The groups at risk of workplace heat stress injuries include:

South Philadelphia that are required to wear bulky, non-breathable protective clothing in hot environments are at risk of overheating. Heat can also be a factor in slip and fall accidents by causing sweaty palms and fogged safety glasses as well as dizziness. Burns can also occur in workplaces where hot steam and hot surfaces are present.

Heat-Related Illnesses

It is important to recognize the symptoms of workplace heat stress injuries so that affected Philadelphia workers receive proper medical care. The following describes the most common heat stress injuries in Bustleton and their symptoms.

  • Heat cramps – Occurs when sweating depletes salt and moisture levels in the body. Symptoms include painful muscle cramps or spasms in the arms, legs, or abdomen.
  • Heat exhaustion – This is more severe and also occurs when the body has lost excessive amounts of water and salt. Symptoms may include dizziness, nausea and vomiting, extreme weakness or fatigue, irritability, rapid heartbeat, fast shallow breathing, or slightly elevated body temperature.
  • Heat stroke – This is a serious medical issue that can be fatal or cause permanent disability. At this point, the body is unable to control its temperature. Symptoms of heat stroke are high body temperature, throbbing headache, confusion, loss of coordination, hot, dry skin or profuse sweating, seizures, or coma.

Heat Stress Injuries Are Preventable

Workplace heat stress injuries in Philadelphia do not have to happen. There are many steps employers can take to reduce a worker’s risk of heat stress injuries. Additionally, employers should provide training for workers and supervisors about occupational heat exposure and heat illness and have an emergency plan in place should a worker show the symptoms of heat-related illness. Medical care should be readily available to workers who succumb to heat exposure.

Indoor heat stress injuries can be prevented through the use of air conditioners in equipment cabs and break rooms, cooling fans and other general ventilation sources, insulation of hot surfaces, and by venting hot and humid air at the points where it is produced. Workers should be provided with protective equipment if necessary such as insulated clothing, reflective clothing, or infrared reflecting face shields. Other options are special garments that circulate cool compressed air or whose pockets can be filled with dry ice to control the worker’s body temperature.

Outdoor workers in South Philadelphia should have an acclimatization plan provided by the employer to minimize the risk of heat stress injury. This means workers gradually increase the amount of time spent in hot weather conditions over seven to fourteen days. New workers should spend no more than 20 percent of their time exposed to heat on the first day with a 20 percent increase of time on each subsequent day.

Workers should have access to water and frequent scheduled breaks in either shaded or air-conditioned areas. Each worker should have a buddy that checks regularly for symptoms of heat-related illness and makes sure they are taking breaks and drinking fluids.

Your Right to Workers’ Compensation Benefits

If you have suffered a workplace heat stress injury while on the job in Philadelphia, you may be eligible for benefits to cover your medical costs and a portion of your lost wages. Pennsylvania workers’ compensation law covers most seasonal, part-time, and full-time employees. Contact an experienced  workers’ compensation lawyer who can take care of your legal needs so that you can focus on your recovery. A knowledgeable attorney will make sure you receive all the benefits you are entitled to for as long as you need them to fully recover from your injury.

Get Help With Workplace Heat Stress Injuries in Philadelphia Today

If you suffer from workplace heat stress injuries in Philadelphia, you may be entitled to compensation. At Gross & Kenny, LLP, our skilled workers’ compensation lawyers provide experienced legal representation and will fight for the maximum compensation allowable in your case. Call us to schedule a free consultation with a compassionate attorney serving Bustleton and South Philadelphia.

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