Philadelphia Union Workers' Compensation Lawyer
Pennsylvania’s Workers’ Compensation laws can be extremely difficult to navigate for any injured worker. For union workers, the regulations and deadlines can be even more complicated. If you are a union worker who is currently unable to work due to an injury, it is in your best interest to have an experienced work injury lawyer on your side.
At Gross & Kenny, LLP, our Philadelphia union workers’ compensation lawyers have been helping injured union workers for more than two decades. We are devoted to helping injured workers get the full Workers’ Compensation benefits they are entitled to, including medical benefits and wage loss benefits.

Jeffrey S. Gross is a certified* Workers’ Compensation attorney. He and his associates have years of experience helping injured workers in almost all industries, and they have a very strong understanding of how the union workers’ compensation laws can affect union workers.
Some of the types of union workers we have helped are:
- Carpenters union
- Construction union
- Firefighters unions
- Food unions
- Laborers unions
- Municipal/governmental unions
- Paper unions
- Police officers unions such as the FOP
- Professional sports unions
- Riggers union
- Teachers union
- Teamsters union
- Trucking union
- United Auto Workers union
Reach Out To a Philadelphia Union Workers' Compensation Attorney
At Gross & Kenny, LLP, our Philadelphia union workers’ compensation lawyers work on a contingent fee basis, meaning we do not get paid unless you get paid. To learn more about how we can help Bustleton and South Philly union workers get the full benefits they are entitled to, call today for a free, confidential consultation.
*Jeffrey S. Gross is certified as a specialist in the practice of Workers’ Compensation Law by the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Section on Workers’ Compensation Law as authorized by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.